Residents are becoming increasingly worried that Ashfields D.C. Local Plan is still proceeding with the inclusion of the Mowlands Site despite having sent hundreds of objection letters to the Council. Here are two received via the website yesterday (25/11/16) that show the strength of feeling:

_ I cannot believe the utter incompetence and lack of Local Care of this Local Council Planning Department. Before I touch on the Mowlands 'Project', I honestly think the Council Planning Deprartment have now killed off Hucknall in all of its commerce between Annesley Road, the High Street & Portland Road! Complete idiots!!_

Now for Mowlands. When will they realise Kirkby is FULL. The Schools are FULL, Doctors are FULL, Dentists are FULL, Roads are FULL - Car Parks are FULL, only 1 Petrol Station to facilitate all of the Cars passing through, their incompetence generates. The Road System around Kirkby is chaotic. No-one on the Planning Committee cares about the residents of Kirkby. I honestly thought that was a primary focus of their role! The Council is elected by the people, for the people. They can actually say no to Central Government, but they wont, because of their annual bonus. Without getting too militant, is there a way we can, as residents say we have no confidence in the Council who lead and plan for us  and actually implement our own local plans to benefit the area? - Gary Dulson.

And from another concerned Ashfield resident:

Why are ther no houses allocated to Hucknal  850 of the houses proposed for mowlands should be allocated to Hucknal. How much is the builder paying the Council and what pet schemes are the councillors proposing to do with this money. I feel that in view of the council taking money from the builder and not acting in the interests of Asfield residents a Judicial Review is appropriate why is Notts cc highways not objecting on the grounds of excessive traffic. Have the Coucillors given any thought as to the future costs and massive increas in rates to pay to alleviate traffic congestion both on Sutton Rd and the A38

These are just two examples of residents concerns which appear not to be taken into account by Ashfield D.C. Councillors.