KARA has applied to appear at the Hearing at following sessions which relate to issues surrounding the use of Mowlands Farmland within Ashfield D.C.s Local Plan.

Dear Mr Kemp

_Thanks for this response.  Please note that the proposed allocation that KARA is concerned about is called Mowlands, not Lowlands.  _

With regard to the deadline today for confirmation of appearances at the Hearing, and bearing in mind the lack of a specific time allocation for the Mowlands Site, we would wish to reserve the opportunity to speak at the following sessions.  We would expect our main contribution will be on Day 7 with regard to Matter 12:

Day 1: Monday 2 October (morning): Matter 1 – Legal requirements; Matter 4 – The spatial strategy (Policies S2 and S3)

Day 2: Tuesday 3 October (morning and afternoon): Matter 5 – The supply of land for housing; Matter 7 – Deliverability (the housing trajectory, infrastructure and viability)

Day 6: Monday 9 October (morning): Matter 10 – The basis for the housing allocations and the settlement boundaries

Day 7: Tuesday 10 October (morning and afternoon): Matter 12 – The housing allocations and the Main Urban Area boundaries: Sutton and Kirkby (Policy SKA3)

Day 9: Thursday 12 October (afternoon): Matter 18 – Protecting and enhancing the environment (Policies EV1 to EV11); Matter 19 – Contributing to successful development (Policies SD1 to SD13)

I would be grateful if you would confirm safe receipt of this email.

Kind regards,

Roy Lewis

_Vice Chair and Planning Advisor, KARA _