As you are probably aware The Inspector has now submitted his amendments to Ashfield Publication Local Plan. Listed below are The Inspectors Main Modifications relating specifically to the Mowlands Site. If you would like to view the whole report (158 pages) relating to ALL sites etc please use the below link:

Comments relating to Mowlands Site:

MM55 Proposed Main Modification – Page 77, after Policy SKA3 add new Sutton and Kirkby

Housing Site Allocations Policies, Paragraphs 5.48 - 5.76

Paragraph 5.48 – 5.76 – Amend supporting text and add new policies to set out individual

housing site specific details as follows:

Site SKA3al Mowlands, Kirkby. This greenfield site is located adjacent to the main urban

area, east of Kirkby and forms part of site K79 submitted for assessment in the SHLAA.

The site is adjacent to Kirkby Cross Conservation Area (including a scheduled ancient

monument and listed buildings) to the south at the southern access point and any

development would need to be designed so as not to adversely affect its character. Boar

Hill escarpment is a prominent ridgeline in the landscape at the south-western edge of the

site. Located in the north of the site are two Local Wildlife Sites: Ashfield District By-pass

Meadows, and Fulwood Meadow. The site also sits adjacent to The Dumbles Ancient

Woodland. Access to the site via the public highway is currently restricted, however

opportunities do exist for appropriate access arrangements to be created. The site is

subject to potential surface water flooding. Access to the site is currently restricted but

_consultation with the Highways Authority has indicated that this could be mitigated.                                                                                    _

Included within the boundary of the site are Local Wildlife Sites and any development

would need to include mitigation of any impact on these. The site has provides an

opportunity for a well-integrated urban extension with potential to deliver a new primary

school, a commercial centre and quality public open space provision. The site has been

assessed as deliverable beyond 5 years and will only be brought forward as part of a

mixed use development with employment uses as set out in Policy SKA2. The allocation

will be required to provide land for a 1 ½ form entry primary school with the ability for the

school to be expanded to a 2 form entry (2 hectares). Contributions will be required along

with other sites identified in the Local Plan towards the school.

Policy SKA3al: Mowlands, Kirkby

Site Area: 87.5 ha Approximate Yield: 900 dwellings

Strategic Objectives SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO17, SO18, SO19, SO20

Residential development will be permitted on site SKA3al as shown on the Policies

Map, subject to detailed planning consent. Any future development proposal will need

to include the following specific requirements:

  1. a) A Flood Risk Assessment and any appropriate mitigation measures required

(focussing on the sustainable management of surface water);

  1. b) A minimum of two points of vehicular access to the site from the A38 and

Sutton Road. All existing opportunities will require some form of mitigation:

  1. Any access route taken from the A38, through Ashfield District By-pass

Meadows Local Wildlife Site, will require the translocation of the

grassland to another part of the site;

  1. Any access route via Cow Pastures Lane will require measures to

mitigate negative impact the highway scheme would have on Kirkby

Cross Conservation Area. Such mitigation will include high quality,

sensitive design and necessary enhancements which acknowledge the

historic surrounding vernacular;

iii. Any access route taken via the allotments off Sutton Road, will require

new allotment provisions to be integrated within the new development;

  1. c) A Heritage Statement that provides a proportionate assessment of the

significance of Kirkby Conservation Area and its setting, including Kirkby

Cross Scheduled Ancient Monument and nearby Listed Buildings, and an

assessment of the impact of the proposal on this significance;

  1. d) Retain existing hedgerows, hedgerow trees and woodland, and provide

additional structure planting to ensure mature landscape features are positively

utilised and biodiversity benefits are retained and enhanced;

  1. e) Approximately 2 hectares of land to accommodate a new 1 ½ form entry

primary school, enabling expansion to a 2 form entry school, if required;

  1. f) Contributions towards the provision of the 1 ½ form entry primary school on

the site;

  1. g) An appropriate design scheme that:
  2. Takes into consideration Bore Hill escarpment at the southern and

western edge of the site, keeping the south-western edge of the site

relatively open through the inclusion of a landscape buffer, and the

delivery of single storey dwellings in this area;

  1. Is of a high quality and a bespoke palette that sits appropriately within

the prominent landscape;

iii. Ensures development alongside the eastern boundary of the site is kept

to two storey dwellings or less to reflect the surrounding character;

  1. Ensures development is set back from the Local Wildlife Sites and the

Ancient Woodland areas, and where appropriate buffers introduced.

Detailed ecological and arboricultural assessments will be required

which identify any necessary mitigation and protection measures;

  1. Retains the existing rights of way across the site;
  2. Improves A38 pedestrian bridge connections;
  3. h) A minimum of 10% (8.75 ha) on-site open space for community uses, which

should include:

  1. An extension to the existing Titchfield Park which should incorporate

natural elements to encourage biodiversity, a contribution to improve

the existing park facilities, and the laying out of additional football


  1. A new park/recreational ground located within the northern part of the


iii. A contribution towards improving the existing allotments adjacent to the

site and/or an extension of the allotments; and

  1. i) A contribution towards public realm projects for Kirkby town centre.
  2. j) The provision of local centre for supporting services including appropriate

retail, and community facilities and, if required a health centre.

  1. k) A masterplan to be submitted to the local planning authority which includes the

identification of areas of open space, the phasisng of residential development,

the provision of on-site facilities, and public transport links.